I apologize for the inconsistent formatting below!
Fall 2022:
9/8/2022- Robert Laugwitz, University of Nottingham:
Relative Drinfeld centers and non-semisimple modular tensor categories
9/22/2022- Julia Pevstova, University of Washington:
Representations of a small quantum group via half quantum flag variety.
10/6/2022- Thibault Décoppet, University of Oxford:
The Morita Theory of Fusion 2-Categories
10/20/2022- Sarah Reznikoff, Kansas State University:
Regular ideals and regular inclusions
11/3/2022- Maissam Barkeshli, University of Maryland:
Defects and higher symmetries in (3+1)D topological phases of matter
11/17/2022- TBA
12/1/2022- Hongdi Huang, Rice University (Rescheduled for next semester)
Spring 2022:
1/13/2022- Ying-Hsuan Lin, Harvard: Numerical Evidence for a Haagerup conformal field theory.
1/20/2022- Emily Peters, Loyola University Chicago: Conway's Rational Tangles and the Thompson group.
1/27/2022- Ana Ros Camacho, Cardiff University: On generalizing a tensor equivalence within the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence
2/3/2022- Kevin Walker, Microsoft Research: Going from n+ε to n+1 in non-semisimple oriented TQFTs.
2/10/2022- Ramona Wolf, ETH Zurich: Computing F-symbols of endomorphism fusion categories.
2/17/2022- Kristin Courtney, University of Münster: Nuclearity and generalized inductive limits.
2/24/2022- Bruno Nachtergaele, University of California, Davis: The stability of gapped phases and automorphic equivalence
3/3/2022- Luca Giorgetti, University of Rome, Tor Vergata: A planar algebraic description of conditional expectations
3/10/2022- Roberto Conti, Sapienza Università di Roma: Symmetries of noncommutative spaces: a guided tour through the Cuntz algebra case
4/7/2022- Bojko Bakalov, North Carolina State University: An operadic approach to vertex algebras and Poisson vertex algebras
4/14/2022- Richard Ng, Louisiana State University: Reconstruction of modular data from representations of SL(2,Z)
4/21/2022- Laura Colmenarejo, North Carolina State University: An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras
4/28/2022- Shawn Cui, Purdue University: From Three Manifolds to Modular Categories
5/5/2022- Jamie Vicary, University of Cambridge: Introducing homotopy.io: A proof assistant for geometrical higher
category theory
Fall 2021:
8/26/2021- Xiao-Gang Wen, MIT:
Generalized symmetry, local fusion higher category, and their holographic point of view.
9/2/2021- Ingo Runkel, Universität Hamburg:
Defects and orbifolds in Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFTs
9/9/2021- Amanda Young, TU Munich:
A bulk gap in the presence of edge states for a truncated Haldane psueodpotential
9/16/2021- Henry Tucker, UC Riverside:
Frobenius-Schur indicators for quadratic fusion categories and their Drinfel’d centers
9/23/2021- Ben Hayes, University of Virginia:
Property (T) and strong 1-boundedness for von Neumann algebras
9/30/2021- David Jordan, University of Edinburgh:
Higher symmetries in skein theory
10/7/2021- Alexei Davydov, Ohio University:
Moduli spaces of tensor categories
10/14/2021- Pieter Naaijkens, Cardiff University:
Long-range entanglement and the split property
10/21/2021- Dan Freed, University of Texas at Austin:
Boundaries and 3-dimensional topological field theories
10/28/2021- Ellen Kirkman, Wake Forest University:
Reflection Hopf algebras
11/4/2021- Chris Heunen, University of Edinburgh:
Axioms for the category of Hilbert spaces
11/11/2021- No Talk: Veteran's Day (Nicolle González talk rescheduled for next semester).
11/18/2021- Peter Schauenburg, Université de Bourgogne:
Prime factorization of modular categories
Spring 2021:
1/14/2021- Michael Brannan, Texas A&M University:
Quantum graphs and quantum Cuntz-Krieger algebras.
1/21/2021- No talk this week (rescheduled for 3/4/2021).
1/28/2021- Victor Ostrik, University of Oregon:
Two dimensional topological field theories and partial fractions.
2/4/2021- Georgia Benkart, University of Wisconsin - Madison:
Fusion rules for Hopf algebras.
2/11/2021 (TALK AT 2PM US EASTERN)- Xie Chen, California Institute of Technology:
Foliation structure in fracton models.
2/18/2021- Theo Johnson-Freyd, Dalhousie University/Perimeter Institute:
Condensations and Components.
2/25/2021- Noah Snyder, Indiana University, Bloomington:
Demystifying subfactor techniques for constructing tensor categories
3/4/2021- Andy Manion, University of Southern California:
Higher representations and cornered Floer homology.
3/18/2021- Zhenghan Wang, University of California Santa Barbara:
Quantum algebras climb the dimension ladder.
3/25/2021- Eric Rowell, Texas A&M University:
Torsion in the Witt group and higher central charges.
4/1/2021- Jacob Bridgeman, Perimeter Institute:
Enriching topological codes: computing with defects.
4/8/2021- Yilong Wang, Louisiana State University:
Classification of transitive modular categories.
4/15/2021- (Rescheduled to 5/20/2021)
4/22/2021- Radmila Sazdanovic, North Carolina State University
Bilinear pairings on two-dimensional cobordisms and generalizations of the Deligne category.
4/29/2021- Emily Riehl, Johns Hopkins University:
Elements of ∞-Category Theory.
5/6/2021- Tobias Osborne, Leibniz Universität Hannover:
Fusion categories and physics: a statistical physics approach.
5/20/2021- Claudia Scheimbauer, Technische Universität München:
Higher Morita categories and extensions.
5/27/2021- Ehud Meir, University of Aberdeen:
Interpolations of symmetric monoidal categories and algebraic structures via invariant theory.
Fall 2020
8/27/2020- David Reutter, Max Planck Institute:
Semisimple topological field theories and exotic smooth structures.
9/3/2020- Andrew Schopieray, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences:
The importance of norm and trace for fusion categories.
9/10/2020- Pavel Etingof, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: TBA
New incompressible symmetric tensor categories in positive characteristic.
9/17/2020- Florencia Orosz Hunziker, University of Colorado, Boulder:
Tensor categories arising from the Virasoro algebra.
9/24/2020- Cain Edie-Michell, Vanderbilt University:
Symmetries of modular categories and quantum subgroups
10/1/2020- André Henriques, University of Oxford:
Extended chiral CFT and a new kind of anomaly
10/8/2020- Stuart White, University of Oxford:
Simple amenable operator algebras
10/15/2020- Chelsea Walton, Rice University:
Universal Quantum Semigroupoids
10/22/2020- Fiona Burnell, University of Minnesota:
An introduction to fracton order
10/29/2020- Dmitri Nikshych, University of New Hampshire:
Braided module categories
11/5/2020- Guillermo Sanmarco, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba:
Pre-Nichols algebras with finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension
11/12/2020- Christoph Schweigert, Universität Hamburg:
Topological field theories with boundaries: from tensor networks to Frobenius-Schur indicators
11/19/2020- César Galindo, Universidad de los Andes:
Braided Zesting and its applications.
12/3/2020- Colleen Delaney, Indiana University, Bloomington:
Ribbon zesting can produce modular isotopes.
12/10/2020- Cris Negron, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill:
Geometries for finite tensor categories.